Air Monitoring

Air Monitoring

What is Air monitoring?

Air monitoring is a resource used to gather air quality data. The air quality findings can be used by Tribal Leaders to make informed, science-based decisions when creating smoke-free policies. Air monitoring enables tribal communities to adopt unique smoke-free policies that fit the needs of their community.

CLICK HERE to sign up for Air Monitoring

Benefits of Air Monitoring

  • Explore/Understand air quality
  • Reduce exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Protect the health of employees and patrons
  • Utilize innovative technology
  • Receive tailored air quality reports

Who participates in Air Monitoring?

Tribal Casinos

CCAP collaborates with Tribal leaders and casino management to conduct air monitoring in Tribal casinos. Air monitoring conducted in each casino varies. The logistics of monitoring is determined in consultation between CCAP, tribal leadership, and casino management.

Tribal Communities

CCAP collaborates with Tribal leaders and community members to conduct air monitoring in Tribal communities. Community members volunteer to participate in home air monitoring.

CCAP Air Monitoring Procedure


Information session:

A session for Tribal Leaders & Casino Management to learn about the air monitoring process.

After 2–3 weeks


Installation day:

Two members of the CCAP team guided by a representative of the Tribe, install the air monitors in and/or around the casino.

Data Collection: 1 DAY–2 WEEKS



Monitor collection is coordinated between Tribal Partner & CCAP on a case-by-case basis.

After 2–4 weeks


Community debrief:

An optional session designed to provide Tribal Leaders, Casino Management, and community members with the opportunity to ask questions about the air quality findings in the final report.

After 2–3 months



CCAP’s Research Scientist and Data Analysis compile the air quality data into a report. The report is sent to the Tribal Partner.

Types of Air Monitors

PurpleAir: A Fixed-Location Air Monitor

Data is gathered every 1-2 minutes. Individuals determined by the Tribe, can access real-time data via a password-protected portal.

Atmotube: A Portable Air Monitor

Data is gathered every second. Individuals wearing the Atmotube can access real-time data via an app.

Data Access & Privacy

  • All data collected is owned by our Tribal Partner
  • Only individuals designated by the Tribe have access to the data
  • Password-protected portals are used to access real-time data and interactive charts
  • Air monitors do not have microphones or cameras
  • Data for individual tribal homes is de-identified

Ready for our Assistance?

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get started monitoring with us.

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